
Sincere gratitude to God and all my friends.

Time flies.......

It has been a year already since I started a new cahpter of my life with my family in Tokyo Japan.

The first couple of months were, to be frank with you, terrible at best. I had a problem with almost everything around especially at work. I felt I was surrounded with crazy people and crazy politics.

I found myself hitting a plateau in Summer and maybe early fall. But I tried to stand my ground and I was also encouraged by the fact that my family members were pretty smoothly blending in a new circumstance in a neighborhood and at school as well after joining up with me here in early July.

It was in early November that I suddenly found myself enjoying what I was doing with my team mates at my new asignment or chanllenging endeavor.

I would like to take this opportunity to send my sincere gratitude and best wishes to all my friends that supported me, worried about me and cheered me up over the course of this past year.

Stepping into a second year here, I've come to like it here much better than I did a year ago and will try to make this a better one for me,my family and everyone.

I wish you all the very best of luck for your endeavors this year. Let us grab the time together now. Thank you very much and best regards from my " Eternal Lighhouse".


Robert Henry.