①Floyd Mayweather is running out of peaks to climb.
② He is too good for his own good.
He is too honest for his own good.⇒彼は正直で損をしている⇒馬鹿正直だと言う意味になるのですが、それと同類ですね。
③The problem he has is that it's easier to make attractive fights for someone he beats up than for himself.
・Alvarez was devalued only to the extent that the general public allows when taking into consideration the vast talents of the first man to beat him.
・Another round of questions about when Father Time will catch with him.
⇒Father Timeは"よる年波"ですね。世間は改めて一体何時になったらMayweatherに年齢の影響が出てくるのかと感嘆し合う・・・・と言うイメージでしょうか。